Can you imagine Nintendo making anything other than games,
all their competitors do, can you imagine a Nintendo hockey stick or nuclear
missile testing site?
all their competitors do, can you imagine a Nintendo hockey stick or nuclear
missile testing site?
The following article is also covered in the video below:
People will just ask, upon the announcement of the Nintendo fat reducing grilling machine, will the grill also come with an NES controller so as to cater to my wishes for an HD remake of Donkey Kong County?
Any time Nintendo even hints at new secret hardware it is immediately flagged as the new portable Mario or Zelda. Nintendo don’t do much to discourage this mind, earlier this year Nintendo stated they were developing a secret touch screen device, which was actually a dedicated game system that could be used at home and out and about.
Wait, what? That's ridiculous, Nintendo have already released a console with a tablet that you use to play games now they want to release another console that does the same thing but now you can take the console with you. If you wanted this so badly you would have bought a DS or a Wii U and made do, now they are adding ANOTHER console into the mix, I mean if you do have the Wii U and were to buy this too you have some kind of chronic aversion to money and an attraction to useless shit.
Sorry. POINT BEING Nintendo have really talked themselves into a niche. Very recently they released details on their new phone app, and what is it, the new Mario maker phone edition, that every eukaryotic life form on the planet will buy? No it’s Miitomo, a glorified electronic version of blind date.
I mean it just goes to show that is not what people were expecting from Nintendo, once the details of Miitomo were released and people realised it wasn’t a straight up game people were so shocked and disappointed Nintendo’s shares dropped. However when Sony or Microsoft release a non-gaming app everyone doesn't simultaneously have heart attacks.
The way Miitomoto works is that you make a character, link with your friends, and they ask you questions, then the answers are shared with your friends, so we all get to know each other.
So if Brad tells Jerome he is totally into Wuthering Heights, Gweneviere will get informed and buy it for him as an early bar mitzvah gift. Mazel Tov
Considering the internets current fascination with social circles and the prominent nature of social games it isn't a bad idea. Facebook is always dying to let you know that the ex you haven’t spoken to since the new years firework party is now totally into callisthenics.
I think what Nintendo have done is taken their first very well broadcasted step out of the gaming industries spotlight. It is likely Nintendo have wanted to pursue other non gaming avenues and this is a good way to do it, the themes of Miis are still gaming related but Miitomo’s purposes is very far from gaming.
Overall I think this is a good idea, and because Nintendo are stapled as a only gaming company it just seems ridiculous. if sony or Microsoft made Miitomo it we would be taken far more seriously. This is nintendos go at removing its training wheels, which in the long run, may benefit us with Nintendo using its creativity for something significantly different than game, and that could be very interesting.
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